US - The National Pork Producers Council says the duration antibiotics are prescribed to prevent or treat animal disease should be left in the hands of the veterinarian, according to Bruce Cochrane.On 1 January, the US Food and Drug Administration's guidance 213, which restricts the use of medically important antibiotics in human medicine to disease treatment, control and prevention in veterinary medicine and mandates veterinary oversight took effect.Dr Liz Wagstrom, the Chief Veterinarian with the National Pork Producers Council, says we need to ask, what can we do to keep our pigs healthy so that they don't need antibiotics.
布鲁斯·科克伦(Bruce Cochrane)写道,据美国国家猪肉生产商委员会称,用于预防或治疗动物疾病的抗生素的使用规定期限,应当交由兽医自行判断。美国食品与药品管理局的213号指导文件在1月1日下发,对于针对人类医学的,在疾病治疗、控制和预防有重要作用的医学抗生素,要限制它在兽医药上的用量,规定还要求兽医对此进行监督。美国国家猪肉生产商委员会首席兽医官员Liz Wagstrom博士说:“我们需要问自己,我们要采取怎样的措施,才能避免猪不用抗生素就能保持健康。”
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