

美国科学家发现 某些猪适应寒冷气候的奥秘

日期:2017-06-02 10:04:19
US - A new paper has revealed that pig breeds such as Tibetan pigs and Min pigs use a unique method to survive when exposed to cold environments.Published in the Journal of Molecular Cell Biology, this has important implications for the swine industry as cold weather is a major cause of death in new-born piglets.Previous studies have shown that mice use brown fat to produce heat and maintain core body temperature without shivering. They do this using an uncoupling protein (UCP1) to convert fat to heat. Most pig breeds come from tropical habitats and so, with no need to produce heat, they lost functional UCP1 around 20 million years ago. This lack of UCP1 makes many pigs susceptible to health problems due to cold.



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