


加拿大与美国展开合作计划 旨在提高生物安全性、生物防护能力

日期:2017-05-22 10:46:57

  布鲁斯·科克伦(Bruce Cochrane)写道,据生猪卫生信息中心的执行董事称,加拿大与美国展开一项合作计划,其目的是,在一些生猪密集度大的运输点,解决生物安全性与生物防护问题,这项计划将有助于降低两国生猪疾病传播的风险。美国和加拿大生猪卫生官员展开联合行动,共同研究与生物安全性和生物防护有关的标准化建议,以此在农场后方一些生猪密集度大的运输点,比如牲畜屠宰加工场、母猪交易市场和装卸码头,降低其生猪疾病的潜在传播风险。

  US & CANADA - The Executive Director of the Swine Health Information Centre says a joint Canada-US imitative aimed at addressing biosecurity and biocontainment issues at points of high concentrations of pigs will help reduce the risk of the transmission of disease in both countries, Bruce Cochrane reports.US and Canadian swine health officials are joining forces to develop standardized biosecurity and biocontainment recommendations to reduce the potential for the transmission of swine diseases from points of high concentration, such as packing plants, sow buying stations and assembly yards, back to the farm.


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