



日期:2024-10-26 16:28:22

第六届品质与福利鸡蛋大会在“建立信任,凝聚力量”的主题下圆满结束,为品质和福利鸡蛋产业链提供了一个充满活力的交流、学习和分享平台。此次会议由FAI Farms、丝绸之路总商会、上海悦孜联合主办,得到国家动物健康与食品安全创新联盟的指导,并收获礼蓝动保、大荷兰人、力矩中国、欧福蛋业和奥特奇的大力支持。吸引了来自全球的近160名动物福利专家、学者和从业者参与。

The 6th Quality and Welfare Egg Conference concluded successfully under the theme of "Build Trust, Gather Strength" providing a vibrant platform for the quality and welfare egg industry chain to exchange, learn, and share. The conference was jointly organized by FAI Farms, the Silk Road Chamber of International Commerce, and IQC, with guidance from the China Animal Health and Food Safety Alliance. It received strong support from Elanco, Big Dutchman, Lever China, Ovodan, and Alltech. The event attracted near 160 animal welfare experts, scholars, and professionals from around the world.



∅istein THORSEN

FAI农场 首席执行官

CEO, FAl Farms


Mr. Øistein emphasized that the conference aims to promote the large-scale adoption of cage-free eggs in China and establish trust and collaboration within the industry. The meeting will explore European policies, certification and traceability tools, technologies that improve animal welfare, the latest global trends in cage-free production, and case studies from farms, food brands, and hotels. He sincerely thanked all the speakers and wished for the summit's success.

孙忠超 Zhongchao SUN

国家动物健康与食品安全创新联盟 常务副秘书长

Executive Deputy Secretary General,China Animal Health and Food Safety Alliance


Dr.Sun congratulates everyone on the conference and welcomes all guests. The egg industry has undergone significant changes, with increased consumer focus on quality and animal welfare. We must work together to tackle new challenges and promote sustainability. I encourage everyone to engage in discussions to contribute to a brighter future for the egg industry.

田晓红 Xiaohong TIAN

丝绸之路国际总商会 副秘书长 &上海代表处首席代表

Deputy Secretary General& Chief Representative of Shanghai Office, SRClC


Deputy Secretary Tian noted that significant strides have been made in sustainable development and animal welfare over the past year, driven by increasing consumer awareness. In this rapidly changing landscape, stronger collaborations are essential to tackle complex market demands and challenges. We look forward to sharing experiences and exploring innovations together to shape a brighter future for the quality and welfare egg industry!

邓菲 Friederike Dörfler


Food and Agriculture Counselor,The German Embassy in China(Beijing)


Friederike Dörfle introduced Germany's policies and current status regarding hen welfare. She pointed out the significant differences in egg production methods between China and Germany, noting that Germany has strict regulations and has banned traditional cage systems. In recent years, Germany has made substantial progress in hen welfare, with the majority of hens raised in barn systems and an increasing proportion in free-range and organic production. She emphasized that animal welfare reflects a country's level of civilization and expressed support for China's cage-free egg industry.


New Cage-free Farm Certificate lssuing Ceremony


11 new enterprises have obtained cage-free certification, and by now, a total of 27 farms have successfully achieved certification, freeing a total of 794,100 hens. The production capacity of cage-free eggs has also surpassed 240 million. Below is the 2024 recommended procurement list for welfare eggs in China. For free electronic materials, please contact the editor.


Technical Manual-Higher Welfare Cage-free Productionfor Egg Laying Hens Release


IQC, in collaboration with industry partners, has meticulously compiled the "Technical Manual-Higher Welfare Cage-free Production for Egg Laying Hens" over the past year and officially launched it at this conference. We hope this manual will help the cage-free industry better meet certification requirements and improve animal welfare standards.


Cage-free Egg Project Review in 2023&2024


Over the past six years, IQC has actively worked in various areas of animal welfare, achieving significant milestones. Next, let’s take a look at these accomplishments through a short video!


Domestic Egg Industry Information and International Perspectives

主持人: 储学琴

Moderator: Xueqin CHU

世界动物保护协会 中国农场动物项目经理

China Farm Animal Project Manager, World Animal Protection


Under the host of Ms. Chu Xueqin from World Animal Protection, a thought-provoking session on "Domestic Egg Industry Information and International Perspectives" officially began.

郑炜超 教授 Prof.Weichao ZHENG

中国农业大学 国家蛋鸡产业技术体系岗位科学家

National System Scientist of Layers,China Agricultural University


Professor Zheng discussed the impact of welfare-based farming on the production performance and egg quality of laying hens. He emphasized that compared to traditional cage systems, multi-tiered and free-range systems significantly enhance hens' behavioral expression, improve egg production rates, and enhance egg quality, particularly in multi-tiered systems. He also highlighted management measures like optimizing perches and nesting boxes, as well as behavior monitoring using accelerometers and RFID technology. Professor Zheng noted that welfare-based farming not only enhances animal welfare but also boosts commercial benefits, achieving a balance between production efficiency and animal well-being.

楚东 Dong CHU


China Chain Store & Franchise Association,CCFA


Mr. Chu Dong introduced the China Chain Store and Franchise Association (CCFA), which currently has over 1,300 members and 460,000 stores. He emphasized the urgent need to restore the business ecosystem. He noted that the economy is still recovering, and the imbalance between online and offline channels is worsening social tensions. Promotions are undermining consumer confidence. He urged practitioners to adopt higher values to foster a new business landscape. The key is to let value determine price, not the other way around. Trust in consumption, prioritizing quality, and setting standards are essential components of new productive forces, reflecting the idea that "value is precious, and uniqueness is respected."

李乐超 Kevin Ll

礼蓝动保 高级市场经理

Senior Marketing Manager, Elanco


Mr. Li explained that the British "Lion Mark" system was created to address the salmonella crisis, enhancing egg safety and consumer trust. It ensures safety through strict registration, vaccination, biosecurity, and independent audits. The Lion Mark has significantly reduced salmonella cases and increased consumer confidence, becoming a benchmark for the UK egg industry. Looking ahead, it will focus on food safety, environmental issues, and animal welfare to promote sustainable development in the egg sector.

Dietmar TEPE

欧洲鸡蛋KAT协会 总经理

General Manager, KAT Association

Dietmar先生来自专注于鸡蛋可追溯性和动物福利的欧洲机构 KAT,其主要阐述了欧洲非笼养鸡蛋市场面临的机遇和挑战。虽然消费者对非笼养鸡蛋的需求不断增长,但成本上升和市场不确定性依然存在。他强调向非笼养鸡蛋市场过渡需要法律法规支持、生产者和消费者的共同参与,通过循序渐进的方式,而非激进的变革,逐步提高消费者接受度。建立独立、中立的追溯系统和加强市场合作是确保市场透明度和信任的关键。最后,他还展望了未来市场发展趋势,指出市场复杂性和可持续发展是未来需要关注的重要议题。

Mr. Dietmar from the European organization KAT discussed the opportunities and challenges in the cage-free egg market. Despite growing consumer demand, rising costs and market uncertainty persist. He stressed the need for legal support and collaboration from producers and consumers for a gradual transition, rather than radical changes, to improve acceptance. Establishing an independent traceability system and enhancing market cooperation are essential for transparency and trust. He also noted that market complexity and sustainability will be key issues moving forward.

李慧品 Julia LEE

FAI农场 兽医顾问

Veterinary Consultant, FAl Farm


Ms. Lee's speech emphasized the importance of cage-free production in the global egg industry, noting challenges like capital investmentand low consumer awareness, but also opportunities through government support and technology. She stressed clear goals, risk identification, and data-driven solutions, with corrective actions and monitoring key to success. Cage-free production, while in its early stages, requires industry adaptation and innovation for improved animal welfare and sustainability. The future holds great potential, requiring collective effort for positive impact.

福田 証子 Akiko FUKUDA


Animal Welfare Corporate Partners


Ms. Akiko Fukuda focused on the development of animal welfare in Japan, particularly the promotion of cage-free eggs. She highlighted the activities of the Animal Welfare Corporate Partners (AWCP) in advocating for animal welfare and cage-free farming. Fukuda noted key developments from 2016 to 2023, including commitments from Western companies and the initiation of welfare policies by Japanese firms. She mentioned AEON's nationwide promotion of cage-free eggs starting in 2021, resulting in significant sales growth. Additionally, Barilla and McDonald's shared strategies for managing the extra costs of cage-free eggs, such as long-term contracts and supply chain optimization. Fukuda emphasized the commitments and goals of Japanese companies, particularly Kewpie's plan to increase the use of cage-free eggs in the coming years, reflecting a positive shift toward higher animal welfare standards.


纽卡斯尔大学 行为信息学教授

Professor of Behaviour Informatics,Newcastle University

Asher 教授探讨了如何利用技术手段监测散养鸡的行为和福利。她介绍了机器学习、声音分析和计算机视觉等技术在预测鸡只死亡率、识别啄羽行为以及监测鸡只堆积等方面的应用。强调了这些技术在改善散养鸡福利方面的巨大潜力,同时也指出了数据需求量大、难以确定因果关系以及隐私问题等挑战。最后,她展望了未来研究方向,包括开发结合多种技术的数字化诊断工具,以及整合来自鸡蛋等其他数据源的信息。

Professor Asher discussed how technology can monitor the behavior and welfare of free-range chickens. She highlighted the use of machine learning, sound analysis, and computer vision to predict mortality rates, identify pecking behaviors, and monitor crowding. She emphasized the significant potential of these technologies to improve chicken welfare but also noted challenges such as high data demands, difficulty in establishing causal relationships, and privacy concerns. Finally, she outlined future research directions, including developing digital diagnostic tools that integrate various technologies and data from sources like eggs.


Production Practices of Quality and Welfare Egg

主持人: 周尊国Moderator: Jeff ZHOU

世界农场动物福利协会 中国首席代表

China Chief Representative, ClWF


The first half of the afternoon session was chaired by Mr. Jeff Zhou, china chief representative from CIWF, and focused on discussing topics related to the production practices of quality and welfare eggs.

肖肖 博士 Dr.Xiao XIAO

上海悦孜企业信息咨询有限公司 动物福利技术专家

Animal Welfare Expert, IQC


Dr. Xiao discussed the state and challenges of cage-free farming in China, highlighting the need for transformation. Currently, cage-free production is only 10% of total egg-laying hens, with low consumer awareness of higher-priced cage-free eggs. Key challenges include high production costs, financing issues, unclear market signals, and insufficient training for farmers.He recommends enhancing collaboration among stakeholders, improving farmers' management skills for product consistency and traceability, and boosting government and investor support for the transition. Dr. Xiao also addressed common issues like skeletal injuries and environmental stress in cage-free farming, offering preventive measures.

台雯 Wen TAI

宜家 资源管理部地区经理

Regional Manager of Resource Management Department, IKEA


IKEA enhances everyday life through responsible sourcing, ensuring compliance, animal welfare, sustainability, and traceability. Ms. Tai emphasized legal compliance, customer expectations, and sustainability commitments. IKEA’s animal welfare efforts follow five core principles, aiming to ensure that beef, cocoa, coffee, and rubber meet EU regulations by 2025, with a long-term goal of a comprehensive due diligence system. By promoting sustainable practices and strict welfare standards, IKEA meets consumer demands for ethical production while ensuring supply chain sustainability.

Philipp PRANG

大荷兰人 中国区总裁

President, Big Dutchman China


Mr.Philipp highlighted the role of modern equipment in enhancing the global competitiveness of cage-free eggs. He explained different international standards and production systems, emphasizing the popularity of multi-tier aviary systems worldwide. Mr. Philip also shared best practices and trends from the United States and cited the case of Happy Eggs in Hainan, China. He pointed out that multi-tier aviary systems not only provide more space, enabling large-scale cage-free egg production, but also align with natural chicken behavior, all while keeping the investment per bird minimal. As of March 2023, over 160 million chickens have been raised using Big Dutchman's cage-free systems. This underscores the pivotal role of modern equipment in advancing sustainable cage-free egg production.

林刚博士 Dr.Gang LIN

奥特奇 大中华区研发和技术总监

R&D,Technical Director, Alltech China


Dr. Lin discussed improving egg quality and health-focused consumption, notingChina’s leading consumption at 350 kg per capita. He highlighted rising consumer willingness to pay for high-quality foods, especially in Asia, where health, freshness, and traceability are crucial.He emphasized the importance of shell quality in egg production and outlined Aotqi Company's efforts in nutritional fortification and sustainability. Dr. Lin concluded by stressing the need for brand development and market strategies to address evolving consumer demands and enhance egg quality.

韩太鑫 Taixin HAN

苏州欧福蛋业 副总裁

Vice President, Ovodan


Mr. Han emphasizes cage free eggs should not only focus on cage free but also pay special attention to food safety and freshness. It's essential to closely monitor microbiology, drug residues, contaminants/heavy metals, and unauthorized additives, with particular vigilance against the spread of Salmonella. The freshness of eggs depends on multiple factors, including storage time, temperature, transportation, chicken rearing methods, and age. Ovodan eggs are subjected to comprehensive safety controls and a cold chain logistics system to ensure food safety and freshness. They offer a one-stop procurement solution, which is of paramount importance for the non-caged egg industry.

展宏伟 Hongwei ZHAN

上海悦孜企业信息咨询有限公司 动物福利项目经理

Animal Welfare Project Manager,IQC


Mr. Zhan outlined the application of traceability and integrity management in the cage-free egg industry, highlighting the importance of knowing suppliers, including certified profiles and product details. The sourcing phase allows easy export of producer information and procurement recommendations with contact details for quick communication. Serious issues found during audits will lead to revocation of the farm's certification, barring reapplication that year. He also introduced features of the buyer inquiry platform, such as product searches and supplier queries, to boost industry transparency and efficiency.

圆桌讨论 Panel Discussion


At the roundtable forum on "Collaborative Trust Building Across the Entire Industry Chain," representatives from various companies, including Mr. Cong Peitao, Vice President of Environmental Safety and Health for the Mediterranean Club Asia-Pacific; Dr. Li Dekun, Food Director for Asia-Pacific at Intertek; Mr. Luo Yao, President of Happy Eggs; Mr. Hu Minjie, General Manager of Sichuan Xinde; and Mr. Liu Kaiyong, Chairman of Pianguan Yongao, discussed trust-building in the cage-free egg industry. The guests sharedexperiences from different supply chain stages and explored ways to enhance consumer trust in cage-free eggs through certification systems, corporate self-discipline, and information transparency. The rapid growth of China's cage-free egg sector, with a doubling of certified enterprises and production capacity, reflects significant market potential and increasing consumer awareness of animal welfare.



The purchasing matchmaking exchange and dinner concluded successfully. This event invited speakers, buyer representatives, and leaders from cage-free egg production enterprises to discuss the future development direction of the egg industry. It deepened collaboration and understanding among industry stakeholders, providing valuable opportunities for experience sharing to promote the sustainable development of quality and welfare eggs.



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